Furnace Maintenance Suggestions

A furnace is a component of heating equipment present in most homes. There are numerous sorts to choose from, and you must determine one is best for you. Most homes have a central heating system that distributes heat evenly throughout the house. Others prefer to heat their homes with a wood-burning stove.

Room heaters are small electric heaters that offer heat for a limited area. The majority of homes have central heating, while some families use a stove. Many people use a stove as a decorative object, but it is uncommon to see one used as the primary source of heat anymore. There are numerous things to consider whether you want to replace or repair your furnace.

Your furnace’s output capacity is governed by the size of your residence. If your furnace is too small to meet your requirements, it will have to work more to keep your home warm. If you get one that is overly large, it will cost more to purchase and operate in the long run. If you buy the wrong heater, your monthly heating bill will rise. Before deciding on a furnace for your home, get a load calculation. This will aid in determining the appropriate size.

If you’re replacing a furnace, don’t only use a model that’s comparable to the old one. Rather, do some research because the one that came with the house might not be the right size. Furnaces with high efficiency might be quite costly. However, the payoff will come in the long run because they will save you money on your heating bills. If you reside in a cold climate where the heater will be used frequently, invest in a high-efficiency one. If you live in a hotter climate, on the other hand, a less efficient system will save you money. In order for the investment to pay off, you must include in the energy savings as well as the unit’s added cost. It may take a long time for this to be useful. It can take some time to pay off. Once you’ve determined the appropriate size and efficiency, you can begin looking for the greatest offer. Don’t forget to ask how much the Furnace Service Scarborough will charge to install the new unit. Get many quotes to compare and shop around for the best available pricing.

Choose the one that offers the best value for money, features, and personality. During the winter, furnace replacement helps keep you and your family warm and secure. Purchasing a new furnace does not have to be difficult with a little study. Make certain you obtain the correct size for your property.

Determine the level of efficiency that is appropriate for your home and budget. Then shop around and compare rates to find the best deal. Last but not least, think about the firm and technician who will install your new furnace. How long has the business been operating in your neighborhood? What is the technician’s level of expertise and professionalism? Before beginning, spend some time conversing with them to ensure that you are comfortable.

Installation of a Furnace Done Right

Is it really necessary to replace your furnace?

Aside from roof replacement and fresh paint treatments, one of the last things a home owner likes to learn is that they need a new furnace. Even though it doesn’t appear to be much in your attic or crawl space, replacing a furnace might cost anywhere from $3 to $5 thousand dollars. The lifespan of a furnace can differ. A well-maintained furnace can last up to two decades. When your furnace breaks down and you need to replace it, you’re looking at replacing mechanical and electronic equipment that could be nearly 20 years old, which seems like an eternity in today’s world. Assume your furnace has finally died this year. It was most likely designed and installed in the early 1990s or late 1980s. A good furnace in those days had an efficiency rating of around 60-80%, which meant that 80% of the natural gas or oil you burned went to heat your home, and the rest was lost as waste heat up your chimney or vent. So, you’re looking for a new furnace today, and you see efficiency ratings of 90, 92, 94, and even 95 percent on these cutting-edge new furnaces. Why you should look for the Furnace Installation Scarborough?

How to Choose the Best Furnace

There are numerous factors to consider when selecting the right heater for your home. Especially when it comes to choosing a furnace to keep up with the cold in Detroit. If you look into any furnace, you’ll notice that most of the essential parts, such as heat exchangers, blower motors, and electrical circuit boards, are supplied by the same companies. Manufacturer’s blend each of these pieces and stamp their corporate name on them, same to how they do with computers, but they’re 90% identical inside and out. In the furnace industry, the most well-known brands are Lennox, Tempstar, and Coleman. Trane manufactures the well-known XV90, which has a 90-94 percent efficiency rating. The furnaces are two-stage with variable-speed blowers. Many 2-stage furnaces operate at a reduced pace (65%) for around 80 percent of the time, saving you money on your gas cost. The following are Trane’s individual units: The top-of-the-line Trane XV90 has an adjustable speed blower and a two-stage burner; the XL90 uses a four-speed blower and a two-stage burner; the XT90 uses a high-efficiency blower and a single-stage burner; and the XR90 uses a four-speed blower and a single-stage burner. For than 80 years, Trane, which is now part of American Standard, has been manufacturing furnaces. The Infinity line of furnaces from Carrier includes the Infinity 96 gas furnace, as well as the Performance 93, Infinity 80, Comfort 92, and Comfort 90 models.

Installation of a New Furnace

The average do-it-yourselfer will not be able to install a furnace. It may appear to be a simple task, but removing an old furnace and installing a new one, including ventilation, drainage, electrical hookup, and gas hookup, can take two professionals an entire 8-hour day. When it comes to installation, you’ll want to be sure you’ve hired a dependable, skilled, and recognized professional. Even if you have a top-of-the-line furnace, if it isn’t installed correctly, it will function poorly over time. Our installation actually offered a two-year warranty on their work, promising to come out and remove the furnace at any point within the next 24 months and refund your entire purchase price if you were not satisfied. When it comes to warranties, most furnaces come with a five-year warranty on all parts and a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty on the heat exchanger.

Get Furnace Installation in Scarborough by Trained technicians

Are you looking for someone who can install a furnace in your living as well as the official area? So you are in the right place, we are here to offer you the furnace installation. Moreover our service is quite safe. The installation of a furnace is very cheap and it doesn’t in a quit affections way. We are here to meet your need and to give our best to satisfy you. We want to be the most important helping hand in your daily routine, we offer you installation of your residential place.

furnace installation scarborough

The team which we are having is certified. In the same manner, we are having to acknowledge great heating techniques. Are you searching for a furnace? Or you want to install one? here we go to satisfy you. We are working in a great team to provide you with one of the best-installing ways. The furnace and the equipment which we are providing you is are 100 % tested. I bet that the installation service will satisfy you a lot. In the same manner, our clients will be given a great guide and a proper recommendation regarding your furnace.

A furnace plays a great role to warm up your home. It is the biggest measure of precaution for you and your family. Heating is the foremost way of warm-up. It protects you all from the cool breeze and the icy weather that lies up in Scarborough.

We are performing professional furnace installation Scarborough and having a great outcome from the last couple of years. to go through it. In the same manner, you will be guided to get scheduled furnace consultancy.Whenever you need an installation we will guide you through the easiest and the cheapest process  We can help you in abundant ways so that you may get the best service at a very cheap price.

Signs of Hot Water Tank Problems | hot water heater leaking from bottom | hot water tank canadian tire | HVAC Company

Most people think that buying a hot water tank is a lifetime investment they don’t have to invest more in it and it’s mostly ignored until unless it didn’t stop working. Generally, a hot water tank causes a rare problem but they may be the biggest trouble which can cause you great loss if they are ignored. Following are some signs which will help you to avoid any major problem and if you experience these issues then you have to concern someone or need to solve the problem as soon as possible. But before you start inspecting issues with your heater there are certain actions you should know which will help you to avoid call a technician or have any expensive repair service. 

If you noticed some problems with your water heater, here are some problems which will help you to know the solution of your heater’s problem which will help you to identify the signs of replacing your water heater or does it require any repair services. Basically, there are three types of water heater electric, oil and gas water heaters among them electric water heater are more favorable because it can be used anywhere in your washroom, kitchen or laundry but on the other hand, when we talk about the gas and oil water heaters they are placed mostly in the basement and it also requires gas and oil supply also. And when talking about most working appliances of the house there is water heater rather than a furnace or air conditioner because they only work in their season but hot water tank works 24 hours, 7 days and 365 days of the year and because of this reason the most heaters available in the market contains 8-12 years lifespan not more than that which can also increase by taking care and giving regular services by knowing through the following signs.

Corrosion in Water

The mismatch of minerals can cause you corrosion in the water heater and if you want to avoid this first you have to make sure that the plumber who has come to your place for installing the water heater should know the proper dielectric unions or nipples which your water heater use. If they weren’t informed so then they might hook a copper connector to the water heater which will create an electrolysis problem oxidate metal.

Low Temperature of Hot Water

Hot water carries a dip tube device that produces cold water in the lower area of the tank and if this tube got corroded then it will soon get a break and will produce cold water in the top of the tank. When this happens, the cold water will surely disturb the function of the burner which will not let you have hot water and produce cold water.

Shocking Breakdown of Electric Water Heater

If you are having an electric water heater so the major problem of the electric water heater is a blown fuse or if the breaker got tripped mostly these are the common problem of the electric water heater’s failure.

Sudden break down of High-Efficiency Water Heater

If you are having a high-efficiency water heater at your place then the most common problem which you face is not getting clean water and because of this debris will clog the route of water and will shut down the high-efficiency water heater working.

Sudden Pressure Buildup

The common question which normally arrives in your mind is that how to check your water heater pressure and it doesn’t require any repair services for this first you have to check that is your heater’s temperature and pressure valves are working properly or not and if the malfunction and your water heater to pressurize or overheat, which will cause you dangerous scalding hot water or might be an explosion also.

When Your Water Heater Is Too Old

Your water heater age also matters a lot in its functioning there may be many minor faults that can affect its functioning as well because of this knowing your system age is necessary but if you have no idea of your water heater then you can check it through the serial number which is printed on the manufacturer’s sticker, which is mostly found on the upper surface of the heater and through this serial number you can easily find out the production date of the model through the internet. By knowing its age when you consider that your water heater is 10 years old so, the problem which you facing with your water heater like leakage from the base of the tank, or its functioning erratically then there is no option for repairing instead of replacing it.

When you are getting rusty water

when you start getting rusty water from your water heater means there is rust that occurred in your heater’s pipe which can make it by draining at least 5-gallon water from your water heater and check the differences.

Rumbling noise from your water heater

Sediments dump on the bottom of the when your heater starts getting old and when it gets the heat it gets harder when the time passes and after this, it starts producing the rumbling sound which shows that your heater needs the cleaning.

Noticing moisture around your water heater

When you find out the moisture near your water tank its means there must be any leakage in the tank which means you have to change it as soon as possible otherwise it can cause you great damage or any dangerous accident.

The reasons which are mentioned above are signs which indicate that your heater needs some services or needs to get change and checking your heater through these actions will help you to be avoided from any big accident or loss which will be expensive for you. Because checking your system by yourself is very beneficial because sometimes the wrong installation can also cause these problems it can cause several issues while handling it inaccurately for which you need to contact the professional. Well, most of the water heater problems are burner malfunction, hot water temperature and corrosion to avoid these problems you must know the heater’s functioning and performance.

HVAC Contractor | Cambridge Heating and cooling
Well, most of the water heater problems are burner malfunction, hot water temperature, and corrosion to avoiding these problems you must know the heater’s functioning and performance, and if you check your furnace by yourself through the signs of its water temperature, rumbling noise, pressure build-up, etc.

Some tips which will help you to maintain your furnace life | Furnace Maintenance | Furnace Repair | Furnace Installation

Winter is already on our head which means that your furnace needs maintenance services. While taking regular furnace maintenance at least once a year because will help you to avoid major problems while taking regular maintenance will also help your furnace to work efficiently also boost your furnace functions. But following are some maintenance steps which you can perform by yourself.

  1. Check Air Filter

Your furnace air filter needs to be get changed regularly. Because an air filter plays a major role in your furnace functioning it filter out the dirt, contaminants, and dust to get into your home. And if you don’t change the filter the dirt might get stuck into the furnace fan which will affect your furnace efficiency working for the best result your furnace’s air filter has to change every 3 months. More efficiently you have to change your furnace’s air filter every 1 to 2 months.

Types of filter

Basically, there are two types of filter one is pleated filters which life is last a bit longer, but it cause large pressure drops in the system before fixing pleated filter you have to be sure with your furnace that does it is designed for it or not. Then the other type of filter is Non-Pleated filters that only last for one month, but they don’t block airflow. It mostly found in the older HVAC system because they not designed for large pressure drop.

How to change the air filter of your furnace

when you want to change the air filter of your furnace the first step you have to take is to shut down the furnace, then remove the old filter carefully, by making sure that dust and debris don’t fall from the filter or don’t spread anywhere else. Then insert a new filter in the filter compartment make sure that if the filter has arrows make it fix according to the arrows point towards the blower, in the same direction of the furnace’s airflow.

  1. Inspect the Heat Exchanger and CO detector

the second action which you have to take is to inspect the heat exchanger for cracks and leaks. then also check the CO (carbon monoxide detector) and if needs to change its batteries then change it also. While inspecting the heat exchanger of your furnace first thing which you have to do is to shut off the power and gas supply of your furnace, then move the access panel to get the furnace mechanical parts, after the check the heat exchanger cells these are located at the back of the burner. Check all the damage, excessive rust, and carbon buildup. Then take a look at the heat exchanger to check the cracks in its port. You also have the other options too you can inspect the interior of the heat exchanger more easily with the camera to find any cracks which you can not see easily because of the tight space where your heat exchanger is basically located. And if you find any crack on it then replace it though it is expensive rather than an expensive change of entire furnace replacing its heat exchanger is more feasible. The easiest way to examine the heat exchanger crack is the heat exchanger match test. It helps you to find out a cracked heat exchanger by searching for airflow from your blower in the heat exchanger. Then set your furnace on “fan-only” mode and also make sure that your furnace is not set on “auto” or “heat” don’t let the burners ignite during checking the exchanger, so turn off the gas supply also. When you check that your furnace’s blower is working then light a match and bring it in front of every heat exchanger’s cell. Observe the flame of the match stick it blows in the wind or goes out then it’s a sign that your heat exchanger has a crack or hole in it. You have to check the heat exchanger regularly because if the heat exchanger is cracked then it is very dangerous for you and your family because it releases poisonous gas in, you’re your home. This is the reason that you should always keep a carbon monoxide detector in your home to check your house atmosphere.

  1. Check Electrical wirings and controls                        

You must have to check your furnace’s electrical wirings and controls system because if none of them is ignored it can cause a big loss to you which might be an equipment failure or fire. Normally people contact professionals for checking electrical wiring and control but there are some activities through which you can check it by yourself and maintain your furnace. Before checking your furnace’s electrical system first thing which you have to do is to turn off all the power connections of your furnace, then open the access panel of the furnace’s electrical and controls wires. Then check all the connections to make sure that is it strong or tight. Because weak electrical connections can cause you fire. After this clean all the electrical enclosure area with compressed or dust-off. Because dust and debris cause short circuits and equipment damage.

Winter is already on our head which means that your furnace needs maintenance services. While taking regular furnace maintenance at least once a year because it will help you to avoid major problems while taking regular maintenance will also help your furnace to work efficiently also boost your furnace functions. But following are some maintenance steps which you can perform it by yourself.

  1. Check your furnace’s thermostat for proper operation

The thermostat plays a major role in the function of your furnace properly. And make sure that the valves or dampers are functioning properly and if you have a multi-speed fan, then you have to check the speed of all fans. You should use a portable temperature sensor to check that is your thermostat is working and reading the temperature properly or not. Because the thermostat has to read the same temperature as the temperature sensor between 1-degree Fahrenheit or 0.5 degrees Celsius. If your furnace has any schedule then also check the check and correct it according to your required date and time.

Through these actions you can maintain your furnace life and its efficient working by yourself but if you have more serious or big troubles then you should contact professional HVAC technicians to provide you best furnace maintenance service.

Furnace repair in your area
Some tips which will help you to maintain your furnace life

Electronic Problems of Furnace which need to check and repaired by the skilled-based technician | Furnace Repair | Furnace Maintenance | Furnace Installation

There is no worse situation than waking in the night of winter with cold just because of furnace is not responding then try to contact a heating and cooling companies for emergency repair service but not getting the on the spot scheduled some of the companies are giving scheduled in the morning or some of them giving the schedule after few hours. That moment of staying remain in the cold and waiting for the technician irritates you more than anything else. Many of the time furnaces stop working by having some electrical problem for which you the skilled-based technician for its repairing and especially in winter it becomes difficult to get the best technician to repair your furnace’s electrical issues.

Well, ’re this problem can be solved by Cambridge heating and cooling company 24/7 repair services for you with the best-skilled technicians at your doorstep. They will try their level best to provide you complete comfort according to your will and through this article Cambridge heating and cooling company wants to tell you that how our skilled technician can solve your furnace electrical problem in front of you because we know that furnace’ electrical issues are little complicated which needs to be solved by the best-skilled technician otherwise it can cause you a big loss

In this article, the Cambridge team wants to share their knowledge of the furnace’s electrical issue and also tell that how it will be solved by skilled technicians.

Let’s take a look at the Furnace electrical issues and how our skilled technician solved them are following

Problem 1 Check your Thermostat wires and check its working as well

It may sound strange, but to check the Thermostat working and its wire are the first priority of our technician to check and solve because most of the time thermostat functioning always makes the problem and though it’s the sensitive part of your HVAC system needs the professional technician to check and repair it. Normally in the winter season thermostat is set on ‘heat’ but at least five degrees above the room temperature. You might get surprised that most of the local companies’ technicians or unprofessional technician will not check this but try their experiment on your furnace and try to tend you for buying another furnace instead of checking your thermostat wiring and if they check them though it’s a very complicated device. So, instead of making them spoil it more but our technician will perform their work honestly following are the detailed steps that how our technician solves the thermostat problem.

Step 1: First our technician will open the thermostat and gently clean all the dust and debris which can cause the blockage of circuits or can cause the short circuit also.

Step 2: Then they will check the date and time of your thermostat system also because the latest model of thermostat has the timer setting and if it gets change unknowingly can also make your furnace stop working and works according to its timer.

Step 3: Then they check that is your thermostat is on battery or on the house electrical system if it’s on battery they change it first and then check but if it is on the house’s electrical system, they will check each wire circuit and current ratio through their equipment and change the wires if needed.

Step 4: In last they check the breaker also if it’s on, they turn it off and check the fuse of the furnace. If it needs to change the breaker, they’ll change it with the new one.

Problem 2 If your electric furnace is not producing heat. Might need to change or reset your house’s circuit breaker.

There are many reasons why your furnace is not producing heat but one of them is the circuit breaker fuse got tripped or blown. Following are the steps that how our technicians check and repair the circuit breaker.

Step 1. First, they’ll check the breaker manually by flipping it back and forth. If it has a problem, they’ll try to fix it right on the spot.

Step 2. If it’s responding well then, they’ll check your breaker’s wirings and circuit and change the necessary requirement.

Problem 3 If your gas furnace is not producing heat. Might need to check your Ignition or Pilot Control.

Gas furnaces produce heat with the help of pilot light or electronic control, which manages the need for a flame. Most of the time a faulty ignition system of the furnace with a thermocouple reduces the ability of the furnace to provide heat. It can also be disturbing by drafts or clogs. Many of the latest systems are electrical ignition rather than having a standing pilot light. Following are the solutions of how to solve these problems.

Step 1: Reset the ignition by making it switching on and off.

Step 2: Turn off the power and gas of the furnace to inspect the heating element If it looks damaged or cracked. they’ll replace the ignitor.

Problem 4 Noisy Furnace 

Sometimes a furnace is running fine but making some weird and loud noise. Most people think that this happens due to the running of air through the duct. But the answer is no because the sounds give the sign of something mechanical problem, clogged burner, or an airflow reduction. Or this problem can also be occurred by the improper adjustment of the pilot light, blower motor lubricants that need oiling, or might having an issue with the belts or the burner. Following are the noises and reason of furnace problem and how our skilled technician solves them.

  1. Rattling noise gives the sign that the furnace panels are loose and it needs to be tightened.
  2. A squealing noise is created when the belt that connects the motor to the fan slipped needs to get replaced.
  3. Grinding noise gives the sign that your furnace motor bearings need to get a repair.

These all are detailed electronic problems of the furnace and their repair techniques which need to be done by the trained and skilled technicians. And in this, we feel proud to let you know that Cambridge heating and cooling company have the best Skilled technicians in whole GTA. For further details, you can contact us at 416-750-4363 or visit our website

How to clean your furnace with easy steps by yourself

Want to keep your furnace maintained and keep it running efficiently Then there are few steps of cleaning furnace which will surely ensure you that your furnace is working efficiently and is in a good condition and through this article, we will let you know that you can clean and check your furnace regularly at least once our year but changing of filter should be done in every three months.

Cleaning of Furnace Burner

The burner is the most sensitive and important part of the furnace which needs to be check and clean regularly because the burner creates the flame by using gas this is the reason they need to be checked and cleaned regularly. The burner is the part of the furnace that makes flame with the help of gas. Its assembly should be checked and cleaned regularly for the proper function. While inspecting the burner the first step you should take is to switch off your furnace and its gas connection also. Then remove the cover panel to suspect it. Then clean the furnace from inside with the help of a soft cloth. Then clean the burner area with the help of a brass wire brush to remove dust and debris.

Some burners contain “transition wings” which help the burner to move the flame from one burner to the next and its wings need to be clean because dirty transition wings will cause problems to your burners working. While cleaning the burner you must check the ignitor as well. If it is not working, then change or replace it instead of cleaning or troubleshoot it.

While cleaning the burner it has one more part which needs to be checked and cleaned is the burner manifold because it is responsible for injecting fuel into the burner. Fuels flow is controlled by a valve assembly that is connected to the manifold.

Cleaning Flame Sensor

After cleaning the burner area, you need to check and maintain the flame sensor. It is basically a small metal rod that is right in front of burners. Its function is to make all burners ignited. Its function is to detect burner flames if it can’t detect the flame then it will get make the furnace shut down and you have to check it regularly because if it has dirt on it can mistakenly turn off your furnace.

First thing you have to disconnect its wire and remove it from its place to clean. The flame sensor has a single wire and it is usually connected with a single screw which is easy to remove. After removing the flame sensor, you have to scrub the metal rod also with the help of a scouring pad. But by taking precautions of not scratching or damaging the ceramic housing of the sensor because it is a delicates part.

Cleaning blower and inducer fan

The blower is basically a fan that rotates and circulates air throughout your home. Blower fan-produced heat in your furnace and delivered it to your entire home. For cleaning your blower fan, you need to open the access panel and take the blower out. Then check its the wheel spin is rotating smoothly if it’s not then need to change it. Then check its fan as well to make sure that does its blade is ok and working or not. Then check its belt and pulleys also and make sure that they are in good condition. Normally its belt can be used only for 1 year. But it also requires oiling as well for its proper functioning because giving oil is important for its smooth working.

In old blower motor have the oiling ports in it in which you can put the oil easily. But if it is of the latest technology then there is no oiling port in its blower motor but has the motor shaft directly which is directly connected to the motor body.

Then moving towards the inducer motor which blows furnace’s combustion gases outside the house. Its function is to take hot combustion gas through the furnace’s heat exchanger and release it outside the house. Inducer motors play an important role in furnace working and it has to be in a good condition for which it required cleaning. For which first you have to switch off the furnace then open the panel of your furnace to check the inducer motor. then check and see if any part or screw is lost or missing. if there is any part that is loosed it makes noises.

Which needs to screw or change for its best performance. If still there are no issues with any missing or loose parts then it required oil. you need to oil the motor shaft. So, that the oil goes directly into the motor. Oiling your inducer motor doesn’t mean that your furnace will surely work properly if it’s still getting stuck or grinding then you should replace the inducer assembly as soon as possible. Then also check the vent connector too because it is connected with the inducer fan and it is necessary to be tight and secure because a leak vent boot will make harmful gas in your house.


Clean Furnace Humidifier

A humidifier is the part of the furnace which controls the humidity level of your house. Its function is to produce moisture in your air because a proper humidity level is very necessary to avoid skin dryness, breathing problem, and allergies. A humidifier uses water to produce moisture in your house environment. but they also have many issues with dirt and mold. That is the reason it requires regular maintenance at once a month. No matter what kind of humidifier you have still it requires regular cleaning for its efficient performance. If you want your humidifier to work properly then you need to set its damper in the proper place and if you want to add humidity in your house then open its damper. The dampers mostly keep open in the dry winter season and closed during the humid season.

cleaning hvac ducts | home depot furnace cleaning | furnace cleaning
How to clean your furnace with easy steps by yourself

Heating Problems of Furnace which need to check and repaired by the skilled-based technician

Is your Furnace been inspected regularly if not then it may cause you some problems because at least once a year your system must be check and have maintenance regularly? It helps you to be safe from the suffering of cold on winter nights.

It’s so important to maintain the seasonal cleaning and tune-ups of your furnace regularly. Most people don’t remember their furnace system maintenance normally because it kept in the basement o somewhere normally people can’t see it regularly and due to this it sometimes causes the shocking shut down of a furnace.

Though there can be many problems with your furnace but heating problems are the major ones that need to be check, repair, and maintain by a professional technician because if it goes in the wrong hand or untrained technician can affect your furnace badly. Which can be poor-performing or a sudden breakdown.

The most common problem with your furnace can be burner failure, dust, and debris in clogged filter, furnace causing too much high heat or rapid cycling problems, doesn’t blow air or blower running continuously, the flame sensor needs cleaning, having leakage in the gas pipeline or producing a gas smell. All these problems need to be checked and repair by professional technicians. Those who have great knowledge in the HVAC industry.

Let’s take a look at the Furnace electrical issues and how our skilled technician solved them are following

Following are the furnace heating problems and their techniques of how to solve them: –

Problem no.1 Burner failure

The most common heating problem with the furnace is burner failure which causes due to contamination. Our technician will clean the burner from all debris and dust. But the question is how to that the burner is contaminated or clean.

So, the answer is very clean and clear it can be guessed by its color appearance like if your burner is blue it’s mean that your burner is likely to clean. if it is yellow in color. It shows that your burner is dirty. our technician will clean the burner and the nearby area also especially the blower. Normally the dust comes during the summer season because we don’t use, the furnaces and don’t even bother to go and check the furnace. Therefore, it is very important to check and clean the furnace regularly once a year by a trained and skilled based technician. A combination of condensation and soot makes the burner work improperly and causes problems to the furnace as well. The burner assembly should be cleaned at least once a year or replaced if the existing burner is poor in condition.

Problem no.2 Rapid cycling problems: –

Rapid cycling is the problem which means that it turns on and off again or quickly. This is normally caused by the dirty or worn-out air filter which needs to be replaced and cleaned by the professional technician or still if it doesn’t give the heating then there must be a problem with the blower motor or with the motor’s belt which our technician will change it according to its requirement.

Problem no.3 Furnace does not blow air: –

To check the blower is clean and free from debris. Check the inspection window of the furnace. The more ways are to check the blow air problem is with the help of its color. If its light is red it needs to be got service as soon as possible or if the light is switched off then there must be the major problem like thermostat, blower motor, capacitor, furnace control board or transformer which need to be checked and repaired by the skilled technician of Cambridge heating and cooling.

Problem no.4 Continuously funning of furnace blower: –

The blower is situated between the ductwork and the furnace. Whose function is to sent the cool air into the heat exchanger and warmed air to the plenum and then in the whole house but if it is continuously running and doesn’t get shut off is a sign to check the blower fan or the faulty limit control switch which need to be check and replaced by the skilled technician because this is the most delicate work to for which you need the best-skilled technician.


Problem no.5 Flame sensor cleaning: –

The flame sensor is a crucial safety feature in your furnace. It safe your furnace from the unsafe burning of fuel and if it is dirty can cause you the improper functioning of your furnace.

Steps how our technician solve the flame sensor problem

Step1. Firstly, the furnace has to get switched off from the breaker box.

Step 2: Then remove the sensor from the furnace, then scrub the sensor to remove dust and debris. If the furnace is not cleaned regularly Then oxidation and carbon buildup restrict the flame sensor’s ability to work which spoils the furnace very badly.

Step 3: Then reattached and switched the furnace again if it works shows the sign that your furnace is good in condition but still if it doesn’t work then it has the problem of a micro amp draw reading which can only be provided you by the professional technician.

Step 4: After cleaning the flame sensor but still not working then the sensor needs to be cleaned with the steel wool and fixed it back again and if the dirt is the only reason you will see a huge change in the higher amp reading. If still the reading is not changed then it needs to repair the diagnostic process.

Problem no.6 Gas line inspection: –

Check the gas line to avoid leakage because the gas leakage will not affect the furnace performance4 it can also cause a big explosion in the house which is very dangerous for everyone. So, this needs to be checked and repair by the skilled-based technician with their special checking equipment.

Problem no.7 clogged filter issues: –

This the most common and difficult problem of the furnace which affects badly the furnace’s improper working. If your furnace is not working properly due to the reason of filter issues then it needs to clean the debris because when your air filter is clogged then your air handler has to work very hard to compensate for the blockage of the airflow which causes you high utility bill and also overheats your heat exchanger and gets shut off. To avoid this the clogged filter, need to get change by a trained and skilled based technician.

The latest models of the furnace are very sensitive and delicate their parts are also if it goes in the wrong hand or unprofessional technician can cause you big loss because it is the most expensive and necessary equipment of the house. The Cambridge heating and cooling wants to tell you that we have the best and trained, skilled, and licensed technicians in the whole GTA for more information you can contact us at 416-750-4363.

Heating Problems of Furnace which need to check and repaired by the skilled-based technician
Furnace Repair | Furnace Maintenance | Furnace Diagnose


Pros & Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water is very popular in the world of the latest technology they have to change the mindset of the people that electricity can’t deal with water or can’t provide you warm water. The tankless water heater is very famous in European countries but on another side, in Canada, we can’t say that it is famous because Canada’s climate is too cold because of its heavy snow. In recent years, much of the latest technology of natural gas-fueled models were introduced but choosing a Tankless water heater is the smart choice for everyone especially those who want to cut down their gas utility bills.

The tankless water heater is the latest technology for making water warmer with the help of electricity Tankless hot water heaters are a newer form of electric water heating. When the water goes through the complex unit electricity heats the water and in this, no tank is required. It takes very little space and can be easily fixed inside the wall. They don’t require any standby energy loss because they are energy efficient and use 20-30% more energy than tank-type units and their installation is also not so costly its average EF rating starts at 0.75. The tankless water heater installation only costs between $600-$1000 and up.

The pros of a tankless water heater

  • With the help of a tankless water heater you can you can’t run out of hot water though if you having any fantasy of staying the whole day in the shower that is different but when we talk about the practical life this will help you to coordinate the shower timing which is I guess very beneficial for the big family.
  • The tankless water heater also doesn’t have the pricey standby heating cost because it only works when water flows from it for which you will pay only for, he used.
  • These heaters can be used in a good condition with no issues till 20 years and when we compared another one it has only 15 to 20 years lifespan because it mostly got break because it carries water in it which spoil the metal very easily or if any problem causes in tankless water heater so, its part can be replaced easily.
  • It has a very small size as we compared to the tank water heater and because of this, it requires very little place.
  • When we talk between the tank water heater or tankless water heater. Tank water heater contaminates the water because when the tank ages get old large deposits of rust, zinc and other grimey stuff build and contaminates the water and on the other side when we talk about the tankless water this doesn’t happen it will always provide you neat and clean water no matter how old it is.

But when we talk about the practical life everything in the world is not perfect and it also has the problem too.

The cons of a tankless water heater

  • Tankless water heater costs more than the tank water heater and its prices are very high.
  • Tankless water heater’s output rate is less as compared to the tank heaters. But the latest technology of tankless water heater can give 7 to 15 liters a minute but still, its output rate is less than a tank heater.
  • It also required the services at least once a year by a technician.
  • When customers want high average hot water which tankless water heater can’t provide you easily because it can only give 7 to 15 liters at a time to avoid this issue you need multiple heaters to stand on your demand.
  • A tankless water heater doesn’t affect the gas utility bill but it affects the electricity bill and can make a high utility bill. Tankless water heater installation is very difficult because for this you have checked and upgrade the electrical system of your house.
  • Tankless water heats your water with the help of gas or electric coils which means they heat the water on demand they don’t have storage water to provide like when you using a dishwasher, doing laundry, and using shower also at the same time so, then tankless water can’t be able to produce hot water enough. Tankless water heater flow rate is measured gallons per minute of hot water.
  • When we compare gas units with electrical ones is the gas unit works faster than the electric one.

Is a tankless water heater being useful for you or not?

When you are having easily gas facilities in your home so, then you can install an optimal tankless unit without too much additional cost which can be a great money saver for you and when you have a small house so then a tankless water heater is the smartest choice ever you have made you can easily place it under the sinks, near showers or near washing machines to provide hot water as your requirement.

Tankless water is not feasible for everyone because every household has different needs and conditions. They are some house in the Canada where tankless water can’t work up to the mark and you have to go for the tank water heater. Well, we just hoped that we have given you some food for thought which is fruitful for you and your needs.

Tankless water Heater Cambridge Heating and Cooling
Pros & Cons of Tankless Water Heaters