Winter is already on our head which means that your furnace needs maintenance services. While taking regular furnace maintenance at least once a year because will help you to avoid major problems while taking regular maintenance will also help your furnace to work efficiently also boost your furnace functions. But following are some maintenance steps […]

Winter is already on our head which means that your furnace needs maintenance services. While taking regular furnace maintenance at least once a year because will help you to avoid major problems while taking regular maintenance will also help your furnace to work efficiently also boost your furnace functions. But following are some maintenance steps which you can perform by yourself.

  1. Check Air Filter

Your furnace air filter needs to be get changed regularly. Because an air filter plays a major role in your furnace functioning it filter out the dirt, contaminants, and dust to get into your home. And if you don’t change the filter the dirt might get stuck into the furnace fan which will affect your furnace efficiency working for the best result your furnace’s air filter has to change every 3 months. More efficiently you have to change your furnace’s air filter every 1 to 2 months.

Types of filter

Basically, there are two types of filter one is pleated filters which life is last a bit longer, but it cause large pressure drops in the system before fixing pleated filter you have to be sure with your furnace that does it is designed for it or not. Then the other type of filter is Non-Pleated filters that only last for one month, but they don’t block airflow. It mostly found in the older HVAC system because they not designed for large pressure drop.

How to change the air filter of your furnace

when you want to change the air filter of your furnace the first step you have to take is to shut down the furnace, then remove the old filter carefully, by making sure that dust and debris don’t fall from the filter or don’t spread anywhere else. Then insert a new filter in the filter compartment make sure that if the filter has arrows make it fix according to the arrows point towards the blower, in the same direction of the furnace’s airflow.

  1. Inspect the Heat Exchanger and CO detector

the second action which you have to take is to inspect the heat exchanger for cracks and leaks. then also check the CO (carbon monoxide detector) and if needs to change its batteries then change it also. While inspecting the heat exchanger of your furnace first thing which you have to do is to shut off the power and gas supply of your furnace, then move the access panel to get the furnace mechanical parts, after the check the heat exchanger cells these are located at the back of the burner. Check all the damage, excessive rust, and carbon buildup. Then take a look at the heat exchanger to check the cracks in its port. You also have the other options too you can inspect the interior of the heat exchanger more easily with the camera to find any cracks which you can not see easily because of the tight space where your heat exchanger is basically located. And if you find any crack on it then replace it though it is expensive rather than an expensive change of entire furnace replacing its heat exchanger is more feasible. The easiest way to examine the heat exchanger crack is the heat exchanger match test. It helps you to find out a cracked heat exchanger by searching for airflow from your blower in the heat exchanger. Then set your furnace on “fan-only” mode and also make sure that your furnace is not set on “auto” or “heat” don’t let the burners ignite during checking the exchanger, so turn off the gas supply also. When you check that your furnace’s blower is working then light a match and bring it in front of every heat exchanger’s cell. Observe the flame of the match stick it blows in the wind or goes out then it’s a sign that your heat exchanger has a crack or hole in it. You have to check the heat exchanger regularly because if the heat exchanger is cracked then it is very dangerous for you and your family because it releases poisonous gas in, you’re your home. This is the reason that you should always keep a carbon monoxide detector in your home to check your house atmosphere.

  1. Check Electrical wirings and controls                        

You must have to check your furnace’s electrical wirings and controls system because if none of them is ignored it can cause a big loss to you which might be an equipment failure or fire. Normally people contact professionals for checking electrical wiring and control but there are some activities through which you can check it by yourself and maintain your furnace. Before checking your furnace’s electrical system first thing which you have to do is to turn off all the power connections of your furnace, then open the access panel of the furnace’s electrical and controls wires. Then check all the connections to make sure that is it strong or tight. Because weak electrical connections can cause you fire. After this clean all the electrical enclosure area with compressed or dust-off. Because dust and debris cause short circuits and equipment damage.

Winter is already on our head which means that your furnace needs maintenance services. While taking regular furnace maintenance at least once a year because it will help you to avoid major problems while taking regular maintenance will also help your furnace to work efficiently also boost your furnace functions. But following are some maintenance steps which you can perform it by yourself.

  1. Check your furnace’s thermostat for proper operation

The thermostat plays a major role in the function of your furnace properly. And make sure that the valves or dampers are functioning properly and if you have a multi-speed fan, then you have to check the speed of all fans. You should use a portable temperature sensor to check that is your thermostat is working and reading the temperature properly or not. Because the thermostat has to read the same temperature as the temperature sensor between 1-degree Fahrenheit or 0.5 degrees Celsius. If your furnace has any schedule then also check the check and correct it according to your required date and time.

Through these actions you can maintain your furnace life and its efficient working by yourself but if you have more serious or big troubles then you should contact professional HVAC technicians to provide you best furnace maintenance service.

Furnace repair in your area
Some tips which will help you to maintain your furnace life

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