Best Furnace Installation, Furnace Repair and Furnace Maintenance Service in Toronto

Welcome to our guide on furnace installation, repair, and maintenance. At Cambridge Heating Cooling, we recognize the importance of a well-functioning furnace in ensuring your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. In this article, we’ll provide you with some fundamental tips and tricks to help you navigate furnace installation, repairs, and ongoing maintenance effectively.

1. Professional Installation Matters:

-Choose Expertise

When it comes to furnace installation, it’s crucial to rely on professional HVAC technicians. They have the knowledge and experience to ensure your furnace is correctly sized, installed, and set up for optimal performance.

-Efficiency and Safety

Professional installation not only guarantees efficiency but also ensures safety. Improper installation can lead to issues like carbon monoxide leaks or inefficient heating.

2. Regular Maintenance is Key:

-Scheduled Check-Ups

Regular maintenance by professionals is essential to keep your furnace running smoothly. Schedule annual check-ups to inspect and clean your system, replace filters, and identify potential problems.

-DIY Maintenance

In addition to professional service, homeowners can perform some DIY maintenance tasks, such as regularly replacing or cleaning filters and keeping the area around the furnace clean and unobstructed.

3. Address Repairs Promptly:

-Recognize Warning Signs

Be attentive to signs of furnace trouble, such as unusual noises, reduced heating performance, or short cycling. Ignoring these warnings can lead to more extensive and costly repairs.

-Professional Repairs

For any furnace repairs, it’s advisable to enlist the services of HVAC professionals. They can diagnose issues accurately and implement effective solutions.

4. Energy Efficiency Matters:

-Upgrade for Efficiency

Consider upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace. While it may have a higher upfront cost, it can lead to substantial energy savings over the long term.

-Thermostat Settings

Optimize your thermostat settings by programming lower temperatures when you’re away or asleep. This simple adjustment can reduce energy consumption.

Furnace installation, repair, and maintenance are critical aspects of ensuring your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. By following these basic tips and tricks, you can make informed decisions, keep your furnace running efficiently, and address issues promptly. If you require professional assistance with furnace services, contact our team at Cambridge Heating Cooling. We’re here to provide you with reliable heating solutions and help you maintain a cozy and comfortable home.

Best Emergency Furnace Repair Service for the Canadian Winter

Welcome to our thorough guide on getting your heater ready for the winter in Canada. In the severe Canadian winters, Cambridge Heating Cooling recognizes the need of an effective and dependable heating system. This article will provide you professional advice on furnace maintenance and energy-saving techniques to keep your house warm and comfy all during the chilly months.

1. Give routine furnace maintenance priority:

-Professional Inspection

Plan your furnace’s yearly expert inspection. Our licensed specialists will carefully inspect your system, looking for problems like clogged filters, broken parts, or gas leaks.

-Filter Replacement

Replace or clean your furnace filters on a regular basis. Filters that are clogged up with debris limit airflow, which lowers efficiency and may cost your furnace money to repair.

2. Increase Energy Efficiency:

-Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat might help you optimize your heating plans. To save energy, decrease the temperature when you are away or sleeping.

-Seal Air Leaks

Fill up any openings or cracks in the windows and insulation of your home. Insulation done properly keeps warm air from escaping, making your house cozy and cutting down on heating bills.

3. Ensure safety and mental tranquilly:

Carbon monoxide detector

To protect your family, place a carbon monoxide detector close to your heater. Early identification of carbon monoxide leaks is essential since they can be fatal.

Emergency kit

Prepare an emergency supply kit with non-perishable food items, blankets, and flashlights. Being ready is crucial since power outages during Canadian winters might occur.

An intelligent investment in the safety and comfort of your family is getting your furnace ready for the Canadian winter. We at Cambridge Heating Cooling are committed to assisting you in overcoming the difficulties of winter. You may have a pleasant and worry-free winter season by prioritizing routine maintenance, maximizing energy efficiency, and guaranteeing safety precautions. Do not hesitate to get in touch with our knowledgeable staff if you need professional furnace repair or maintenance. No matter how severe the Canadian winter may be, you can rely on us to keep your house cozy.

Is furnace repair necessary In Scarborough?

As the first indications of winter have started to appear. People are growing more concerned about their furnaces. Throughout the summer. They were never checked or given any attention. If such an event takes place. Regardless of how new or old your furnace may be. There is a significant chance that repairs may need to made. You may take a few steps to ensure that your Scarborough furnace repairs go smoothly and that you receive the services you need. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Repair Scarborough

If You Needed a Repair for Your Furnace

If you needed a Scarborough furnace repair company. Finding one wouldn’t at all difficult. Without a doubt. There are a lot of them. However. You might surprise to see how many are listed in your phone book if you search for “Scarborough furnace repair.” Furthermore. You might surprise by how busy everyone has become as people get ready for the oncoming winter season. When looking for a Scarborough firm that fixes furnaces. It can in your best advantage to make contact and arrange an appointment several weeks in advance. You’ll discover that not all furnace repair companies in the big metro area offer the same rates or are open during the same hours.

Additionally, to the Yellow Pages and local newspapers

In addition to the local broadsheets and the yellow pages. Online resources for Scarborough furnace repair are also available. One of the things you will seek for in a company is one that offers the right rate and a time that is convenient for your way of life. Furnace repair companies are aware of how crucial a working heating system is for their customers. And therefore. They will use every effort to make the furnace repair procedure as easy and straightforward as they can. Even though they might accommodate and have years of experience. Even while they do provide repair services. You still need to aware that not every furnace that was used during the summer will be fixed.

You may occasionally encounter a problem.

You may occasionally encounter a problem that is unsolvable due to its severity. In those circumstances. You will be forced to replace it. Some businesses that focus on repairs also produce other kinds of furnaces. They are available for a fair price. Additionally. The staff at these businesses has experience installing the things they provide. Therefore. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to buy a new furnace. Doing some pricing comparisons and attempting to complete this before the repair firm enters its busy season will a smart idea. If you fail to. You might discover that the amount of time you must wait exceeds your tolerance. It is not a good circumstance.

There are companies that provide. There are companies that deliver top-notch service while considering the requirements of their clients. And there are some that promise to offer outstanding service but don’t always deliver on their promises. It is your obligation to conduct due diligence on the numerous furnace repair companies in your neighborhood and to knowledgeable about what to expect when you hire someone to visit your home. Many possibilities will be presented to you when you utilize the internet and key in the term “furnace repair.”

Why It’s Crucial to Maintain Your Furnace In Scarborough

When anything goes wrong with their furnace. Most homeowners don’t give their heating systems much thought. Mainly since colder weather is coming. In the upcoming months. We’ll most likely use the furnace more frequently. Because of that. We must invest the time and energy necessary to maintain our furnace. If this doesn’t work. You should seek emergency furnace repair in Scarborough from a professional as soon as possible. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Repair Expert in Scarborough.

What Precisely Does a Furnace Filter Do?

It’s a frequent fallacy that a furnace filter’s only function is to purify the air leaving your house. Its main purpose is to keep airborne pollutants like dust from getting inside the blower fan housing. If the filter is obstructed and filthy. It won’t able to stop contaminants from getting into the system. Which will make it more likely for your blower fan to sustain damage.

The Efficiency of Furnace Filters

The minimal reporting value for efficiency. Or simply. Is the metric used to evaluate the efficiency of furnace filters. The minimal reporting value for efficiency. Or simply. Is a scale with a resolution of 1 to 16. The least effective filter is 1. And the most effective filter is 16. Respectively. However. Most experts advise against getting a filter with a rating of 16. As a result. Your furnace may have to work harder than usual. They believe that those who live in residential areas should look for a filter with a grade that ranges from 8 to 12. It’s also a good idea to look up the manufacturer of your furnace and choose a filter with a rating that matches the degree of comfort it offers.

Various Types of Filters

1. Fiberglass Insulation for A Single Use

Currently. The most economical furnace filter alternative available on the market is disposable fiberglass filters. Such filters. Which have a thickness of around 1 inch and are made of spun fiberglass. Are made to prevent dust. Litter. Lint from getting into the furnace. Too. Since their mere rating is normally between 2-3. If you have any family members who have asthma or allergies. You must completely avoid using these filters.

#2: Recyclable Disposable Pleated

These filters. Which are made of polyester and cotton paper. Are efficient at eliminating spores. Mites. And various other pollutants. These filters frequently only have a value between 4-6. Despite their superior quality. Surprisingly. They are reasonably priced. If you’re thinking of getting these filters. You must sure to keep up a regular cleaning program for them.

Permanent Electrostatic Field

These filters have a simple rating of 8. Additionally. They can remove particles as small as 0.3 micron. One of the many benefits of these filters is that they can removed and cleaned more easily in a machine. Depending on how well they are taken care of and maintained. Permanent electrostatic filters can last anywhere between six and eight years. The cost will more than what you would pay for a disposable pleated filter. Notwithstanding that. The benefits will more than offset the higher cost. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Repair Scarborough.

#4: Electrostatic Disposable

Like permanently installed electrostatic filters. These filters operate in a similar fashion. However. Individuals looking for workable short-term solutions make up most of their clientele. These filters only have a value. Which ranges from 9 to 12. Approximately.

5. Effective Material with Pleats

Typically. These filters have a value of between 14 and 16. The highest grade possible. And they are primarily used in hospitals and huge business buildings. They are rather expensive and can only installed in a house if it is sturdy enough to support them.

To keep your furnace running at its best for the longest amount of time and to lessen the number of times you will need to have repairs made to it. It is in your best interest to get a filter with the right mere rating. Prior to changing the filter. You must careful to take its size into account as well. (Sure to look at the old filter’s frame; it should have the dimensions marked someplace.) For more details and who to contact


Cleaning and replacing the filter on a regular basis is one of the steps in keeping your furnace. In subsequent posts. We’ll go through a lot more topics related to maintaining the functionality of your furnace. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Repair Companies in Scarborough.

When should you begin your furnace repair In Scarborough?

It is not always the case that a furnace does not require repairs. Even though the appliance appears to functioning normally and has for some time. Signs. Which are not all readily clear. Should not take lightly and must consider as indications that a furnace repair of some sort is required. You may take a few steps to ensure that your furnace repairs go smoothly and that you receive the services you need. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Repair Technician Scarborough.

You’ll have to replace or repair

No doubt. If it breaks. You’ll need to fix it or buy a new one. But there are other signs. More visible than others. Some of which. Must thought about and not disregarded. If you own your home. Catching potential issues with the condition of your appliances as soon as you can is in your best advantage. Considering this. Before contacting a qualified hvac contractor to repair your system. You should aware of the following warning flags.

Has your most recent electricity bill increased?

Has your most recent electricity bill increased? During the winter. Unavoidably. The price of electricity will rise. If even by such extremely high standards. Your bill is outrageous. Then something might incorrect. Do you frequently raise the temperature on your thermostat from what it was previously set at to keep your house at a comfortable temperature? Even if you keep raising it. It might not enough. Who knows. And in most circumstances. The main cause of the problem can the thermostat or the ducting. Naturally. Your utility bills will cost more because of this. You can avoid having to pay a utility bill that is like the salary of a professional athlete by getting your furnace repaired as soon as feasible. So don’t wait any longer to do it.

Do you hear unusual noises around you?

Do you hear any unusual noises around you? Are you reminded of something corny by the sound your heater is making. A low-cost horror films? You are acquainted with how this work. You are aware that there may some creaking. Whining. Or perhaps the device is banging. If there are any parts that need to replace because they are either loose or broken. An hvac specialist is the ideal person to handle the job for you. In this instance. The components must change.

Does the flame resist every effort to light it?

Does the flame reject every effort to ignite it? This is a blatant sign that the furnace needs some form of upkeep. And it shouldn’t shock. If liquid fuel is used to operate your furnace. The possibility of the fuel inlet being blocked exists. If the furnace is powered by gas. You might able to fix it yourself if you turn off the gas supply and check if the furnace is in pilot mode. If a gas engine powers the furnace. Then perhaps you can pull this off. Duration lighting the flame. Keep the switch depressed for a short duration. And while doing so. Keep holding it down. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself. It’s time to consult the professionals.

Which shade does the flame have?

What shade of color is the flame? Most of us usually overlook this. And this is how you can make sure everything is working properly. If a blue flame is present. However. There is no problem with the gas combination. If the flame is a yellow color. There most likely is some carbon monoxide here. If a blue flame is present. The gas combination is not problematic. A qualified individual with expertise in heating. Ventilation. And air conditioning will able to let you know if the problem is related to your machinery. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Emergency Furnace Repair Scarborough.

Warning Symbols for Furnace Repair In Scarborough

Since it keeps you warm during the colder months. Your home would benefit greatly from a furnace. Energy-efficient furnaces are widely available nowadays. Helping you save money on power while maintaining the comfort and value of your home. To get the most out of your furnace. Appropriate maintenance is essential. Simply selecting the greatest heater for your home is insufficient. To prevent additional problems and the cost of replacing the furnace. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Repair Scarborough

It Is Dangerous If Your Furnace Is Broken

A broken furnace is unsafe and can quite uncomfortable inside the house. The good news is that it might only require a few minor fixes to go back to where it was previously. Additionally. There are several expert furnace repair services available. The problem ought to simpler for you to fix. Here are several warning signs that may need to addressed to safeguard your furnace and your home. You may take a few steps to ensure that your Toronto furnace repairs go smoothly and that you receive the services you need.

Costs Of Gas and Electricity Have Increased

Increasing gas and electricity prices – As your furnace loses efficiency. Your bills will probably rise. This might cause by careless maintenance or other small technological issues. If you’ve seen an increase in your expenses. It may time to speak with a skilled serviceman to find out what repairs are necessary to restore the efficiency of your furnace.

A Dubious Thermostat

If you discover that you struggle with the thermostat and need to adjust it frequently to get the house’s temperatures pleasant. The device must check out. You might have noticed that certain spaces are typically warmer than others. Also, the opposite. A sign that the havoc system is having difficulty distributing air to keep the temperatures balanced. Prior to thinking about building a replacement. Such an issue might benefit from repair services.

Color Variations in A Flame

The flame’s color changes; it should normally blue. It can a sign of water leaks. Flue pipe rust. The furnace is covered in soot streaks. Issues with the upward draught of a chimney. And if you notice a change from blue to yellow. There is too much moisture. They all contribute to the furnace’s carbon monoxide production. Because of this. The flame’s hue changes. A specialist in furnace repair can help you identify the problem. Offer advice on what to do. Or replace a few parts to stop the production of carbon dioxide. Additionally. The flame could flicker excessively. Which is a warning indication that you shouldn’t ignore.

Unusual Noises

Strange noises are a common sign of danger for household appliances. Your furnace should no different. Such as rattling sounds. Yelling and popping. And slamming must take seriously. Your blower or other furnace parts can malfunction. Therefore. You should consider seeking help to treat the problem before it worsens.

The Price of Buying a New Furnace

Furnace repair services can drastically lower the cost of replacing your old furnace with a new one. Find a qualified expert to revive and improve your furnace’s performance. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Repair Scarborough.

Technicians Specializing in Furnace Cleaning In Scarborough

As the proprietor of a highly successful duct cleaning company and an experienced technician, I am frequently asked by our clients whether we are competent to clean their heating and air conditioning systems, and my response is always the same…

However, the law is very clear in this matter and states that Duct Cleaning companies may only clean these conveyance components while they remain intact and that they may never. removed or altered in any way whatsoever. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Cleaning Scarborough.

Keep In Mind That a Reputable Company

Having said that, it is important to keep in mind that a reputable company that specializes in duct cleaning should have access to a variety of specialized cleaning tools. These tools will enable the company to do an excellent job of cleaning the conveyance components while allowing them to remain in place.

When it comes to performing a tune up and diagnostics on the system, the work that a duct cleaner does on your HVAC unit is in no way comparable to the work that a qualified Heating and Air Conditioning Tech (HVAC Tech) will do on the unit. This is something that I feel it is my job as a professional to advise homeowners of.

Duct Cleaner Is Allowed

When it comes to the things that a Duct Cleaner is allowed to perform and are prohibited from doing on an HVAC system, the law is stringent. It is against the law for duct cleaning firms to clean in the combustion region of your furnace. This is the area that contains the burners, pilot light, gas valves, and electrical components, and it is absolutely off limits to anyone who is not properly certified.

Any unlicensed people who are rummaging around in that part of your HVAC equipment are breaking state and provincial regulations and should. reported to the appropriate authorities. It should also. highlighted that if anything goes wrong, their insurance company will not cover them if anything goes wrong.

Duck Cleaning Companies

Our clients frequently inform us that other duct cleaning companies have made the claim that as part of their service, the company would conduct an inspection of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Cleaning Technician Scarborough

If a duct cleaning firm ever claims that they will do any kind of inspection or diagnostics on your heating and air conditioning system, please do not hire them, and instead file a complaint with your local consumer protection office as soon as possible.


The only exception to the preceding would. if the Company employed a properly certified HVAC technician that would. doing the actual inspection or service work, or if the duct cleaning company was contracting out to another company that is HVAC Certified, in which case you would. wise to ask for proof of qualifications. The only other exception to the preceding would. if the Company employed a properly certified HVAC technician that would. doing the actual inspection or service work. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Cleaning Expert in Scarborough.

Is It Possible That the Advertised Deals on Furnace Cleaning Are Too Good to Be True?

To answer your question in a nutshell, the answer is typically yes; many advertisements for furnace cleaning or duct cleaning are prepared employing the bait-and-switch strategy. When you use this strategy, you will be led to feel that you will be able to save a lot of money on furnace cleaning services; nevertheless, the reality is that you will need to read or listen to the tiny print. Many advertisements will provide a base price, but it will only contain a predetermined number of registers; the cost of adding additional registers will be an additional expense. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Emergency Furnace Maintenance Scarborough

Cleaning Businesses

A great number of duct cleaning businesses will have additional prices, such as hookup fees, fees for portable equipment, fees for air conditioning coils, and fees for the management of waste materials.

As a homeowner, there are a few easy procedures that you can follow to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the total cost of the furnace cleaning service that will be performed on your property.

These Stages Are as Follows:

1. Count all the registers in your home, both the hot and the cold ones, and be sure to include the registers that are in the basement. Most households contain somewhere between 20 and 25 registers.

2. Let the firm that cleans furnaces know that you have air conditioning and that its cost is factored into the quote you were given.

3. Find out whether there are any additional fees associated with hookups, the use of a portable vacuum system if it is necessary, and the handling of waste material.

4. Before allowing a furnace cleaner inside your home, find out if they are certified by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA). Not all companies who clean furnaces have the same level of experience or certifications.

5. Inquire about the whole amount of time that will be required to accomplish the task from beginning to end; providing such a service thoroughly ought to take at least two hours.

6. Make sure you ask to see the results; a professional business will always have a duct scope with them as a standard instrument, and they should be able to show the customer the ducting on the inside of the building when the work has been finished.

7. During the servicing, inquire as to whether your furnace filter will be cleaned or replaced. Most companies will replace a furnace filter that has become clogged with a standard filter that is only 3–5% effective. After the cleaning of the furnace is finished, you may wish to have a replacement filter that you’ve selected ready to be installed. You can consider the best option for it by just clicking Furnace Cleaning Technician Scarborough.

Heating Contractor Scarborough – What to Look for in a Contractor

Heating. The ability to control the temperature is something that few homeowners in Scarborough would want to be without when the winter winds start to blow. Whatever your heating system is like, whether it’s an entire central system or a small space heater in the middle of the room, being able to cuddle up in the middle of cozy heat when it’s bitterly cold outside is a luxury that far too many people take for granted. Of course, one of the best ways to rediscover your appreciation for it is to find yourself with a faulty system on one of the coldest nights of the year. If this occurs, you will require the services of a heating contractor in Scarborough, and you will require one quickly. However, you should not use this as an excuse to choose the first company you see in the yellow pages. The possibility exists that you will make a costly mistake. Here are some characteristics to look for in a reputable contractor.

Speed and Reliability

Finding a heating contractor in Scarborough who can provide you with prompt and dependable service more than makes up for almost any other disadvantages you may experience in the process. That is why you should place a high value on these characteristics. Consult with others. Examine the opinions of others about the contractors in your neighborhood. Was it really a week before they came out to the house? Did they show up for their scheduled appointment? If so, are they one of those businesses that promise to show up only between the hours of 8 and 5 p.m. on a Wednesday? The electric company is required to provide this level of mediocre service; on the other hand, a contractor is not required to provide this level of mediocre service. Not when there are a plethora of other options available.

A repairman repairing a furnace

Background Checks

Look for a heating contractor in Scarborough who takes pride in conducting background checks and drug testing on their employees. When it comes to allowing servicemen into your home, it’s easy to become complacent. And while it is true that the vast majority of such employees are completely trustworthy and only concerned with completing a good day’s work, this does not rule out the possibility of a few bad apples in the bunch. If you are going to invite people into your home, at the very least ensure that the company in charge has conducted some background checks on them.

High efficiency furnace with a residential gas water heater and humidifier

Flat Rates

Heating contractors in Scarborough are increasingly providing their customers with flat rate pricing rather than charging by the hour, which is becoming more common. If you are able to locate this offer, you should consider taking advantage of it. It’s possible that you’ll end up paying a little more in some instances. Perhaps, but at the very least you’ll be aware of what you’re getting yourself into. Paying a flat rate for service ensures that there will be no unpleasant surprises when the bill is presented. It has been the subject of many a heated debate between homeowners and contractors about what constitutes a “hour” of work. You should try to avoid this problem if at all possible.

Technician trying to fix heating central gas furnace issue

Furnace Repair vs. Replacement Scarborough

It is possible that the technician would recommend that you replace your furnace rather than simply correcting the problem when you contact for furnace repair in Scarborough. While the cost is likely to be your first consideration, there are a number of other factors to consider before making your final decision. Take some time to consider all of your options before deciding whether to answer yes or no.

A Technician checking the Furnace

Consult with a number of different businesses.

When you find yourself in need of furnace repair, you may not want to waste time calling around to different companies for quotes. A second opinion is perhaps much less likely to be sought if it is the middle of the winter months. The opinion of a single professional, on the other hand, should be taken into consideration.

When you hear the exact same thing from another person, you can be confident that the first recommendation was correct. Check to see which local companies provide a free quote on both furnace repair in Scarborough and furnace installation before making your decision.  You have the ability to take advantage of these chances and feel confident in your decisions. It is critical that you have the confidence that you are making the appropriate decision.

Checking of Furnace Wires

Remember to Take into Account the Cost

After a certain point, if the cost of furnace repair is comparable to the cost of a new furnace, it may be more cost-effective to replace the furnace entirely. In the long term, this will prove to be the more advantageous choice. With fresh equipment, you may rest assured that you will not be confronted with similar issues in the foreseeable future.

Once again, seek advice from professionals.

The majority of people will not mind putting together an estimate for a new system rather than fixing the old one. In this way, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the precise differences between the two. For the most part, furnaces have a lifespan of about fifteen years. Obviously, if you’re getting close to that deadline, a replacement is going to be the logical decision.

Are you planning on staying at home?

This concept is a little more difficult to grasp, yet it is one that should be taken into consideration. If you intend to remain in your house for the foreseeable future, it may be wise to go with the replacement now rather than later. It’s similar to making an investment in your house and your future financial security. If, on the other hand, you are only planning to stay for a short period of time, you may only want to have it up and running enough to get you through the day.

A Technician repairing the Furnace Wires

That you are apprehensive about leaving a costly furnace repair to the next homeowner is understandable. Your selection, on the other hand, must be based on what is best for you and your financial situation. In some circumstances, even if you are planning to leave your home soon, a replacement may be required in order to keep the property’s value stable over time. In this scenario, you should consult with your real estate agent to find out more.

The concept of repairing versus replacing is not always as straightforward as it appears at first glance. Don’t make a snap decision. Take your time. Take your time and think about what you think will be the greatest option.

Please refer to our blog at for further information and techniques on Furnace Repair Scarborough if you require them.